Sorry, not yet. That promise of the future uttered by the pre-dot-com optimistic geeks of years past has still not come to fruition, much like jet packs and flying cars. But take heart, there is some progress in the area of technicizing your breakfast. Melitta is now offering an MSN-based coffeemaker. The Melitta Smart Mill and Brew Programmable Coffee Maker is out now, just in time for your holiday shopping. It includes an FM radio that receives MSN data related to your coffee-brewing morn: the weather and sunrise and sunset times, and …well, that’s it. Oh, it makes coffee, too.
Some may remember (but many have forgotten) the MSN Fossil watch of a few years back that was supposed to receive equally valuable data and display it in a monochromatic LCD display on your wrist. Apparently you can still buy one of these, but I’ve never seen anyone, geek or not, wearing one. It seems that Treos and Blackberries are worth the inconvenience of not being strapped to your wrist in exchange for a color display and worthwhile content.

If you absolutely have to have one of these coffeemakers now and don’t need steamed milk or the traffic report, then by all means go out and get this. has it now for a mere $200 and free shipping! The rest of us will wait for our Windows toaster and listen to the forecast on our AM radios in our cars while we wait in traffic and dream of jet packs.
1 comment:
Ugh, a comment SPAM. Couldn't you just be satified with posting a link to your blog, rather than filling up someone else's space? Your kind is the scourge of the blogosphere.
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