"Apple" Comes Before "Amazon"
No, not in your Wiki, in sales!
Holy Apple Pie, Batman! Apple has just passed up Amazon in the music retailing biz.
When iPod was born, we all hit Snooze, since it was just another MP3 player, but we woke up quick when Apple followed it up with iTunes. As the saying goes, content is king, and Apple knew content would be what made its iPod zoom past all of the MP3 players already on the market. Now Apple is proving that content, services and Sssstyle are way more lucrative products than the nuts and bolts hardware platform. Listen all you dinosaur computer and gadget vendors: people don't fall in love with your RAM size or your logo! They want art and instant gratification by way of instant downloads!
You may have missed a smaller story in the news today that said CD-R for OEM is now only $0.10 a piece, due to a glut of materials. In other words, no one's buying CDs any more. Well, now we know where the music money's going. Look out, Hollywood, with your DRM dissolution...DVDs are the next to go!
Sources: Yahoo! News/Informationweek
and other random synapses
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